How do I choose the right Rocket Fibre package for me? Print

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A guide to choosing the right Rocket Fibre package for your home or business

At Rocket Fibre, we understand that navigating through the various package options may seem a bit confusing. It's natural to wonder, "What does it all mean?" We acknowledge that not everyone is familiar with what a full fibre broadband package can bring to your home or business.

To simplify, consider traditional standard broadband, relying on copper wire, as being stuck behind a tractor on the motorway. It's slower, prone to unexpected stalls, and you might find yourself watching others overtake you. This translates into experiences like unexpected service drops, fuzzy streaming on your TV, and waiting for web pages to load.

In contrast, full fibre to the property allows you to accelerate into the fast lane, free from traffic, with unrestricted access to the road. As our lives become increasingly connected, and we depend more on the internet, we naturally expect more from it. Full fibre provides a seamless experience compared to standard broadband, ensuring it can handle our growing demands and keep up with our evolving needs.

Our Packages

All our packages feature full fibre connectivity and come equipped with a free standard router.

The speed of our packages spans from 40Mbps to 900Mbps. The more bandwidth you have, the more devices you can connect with less interference. A practical way to determine the best package for you is to count all the devices using your Wi-Fi (don't forget your smart TV!).


We offer different routers, and the one you receive hinges on the package you choose and your needs. The incorporation of the latest Wi-Fi 6 technology ensures seamless connectivity for multiple devices, allowing your router to efficiently manage requests without becoming overwhelmed.

Please not note that the router that you receive Free will be our standard router, but this can be upgraded.

Tip: If you have a higher number of devices to connect, the demand for increased bandwidth suggests that the Wi-Fi 6 Pro router with the higher packages may be a great upgrade.


Explore our website for pricing information.

Rocket Mesh (add-on)

Recognising that every property is unique, our engineers strive to find the optimal location for your hardware. However, in certain situations, a little assistance may be necessary to ensure the best coverage.

That's why we offer Rocket Mesh as an add-on for all our customers. With an easy setup (assisted by our team), up to two additional nodes communicate with your router, guaranteeing high speeds in every room. This eliminates dead spots in your house, ensuring continuous connectivity throughout your property.

Still Not Sure

If you're still unsure about which Rocket Fibre package suits you best, don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team for personalised assistance. We're here to help guide you through the options and ensure you make an informed decision that perfectly aligns with your needs. Contact us anytime for expert support and clarity on our offerings.

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