How do I check Rocket Fibre's availability? Print

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Where are we? Here's how to check!

At Rocket Fibre, our mission is to provide the best broadband to the communities that need it most. We're consistently rolling out full fibre to more homes and businesses every week, but where exactly are we?

There are a couple of ways to check! With our Postcode Checker, you'll be able to see precisely where we are.

Check out our latest news for everything that's going on with us and what we're doing in your local area.

Using the Postcode Checker

You can find the Postcode Checker directly on our homepage. Enter your postcode in the box and press enter.

If the results say we are in your area then you will be redirected to the products that we have available for you.

If we're not in your area yet, and you're interested in us coming to you, registering your details helps us! The level of interest we get from areas is one of the factors we take into account when deciding where to build next.

Registering your interest keeps you in the loop with our progress and tells us where you want us to build.

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